Kota Kinabalu
I went east, more or less to the East of Malaysia. This was my first time, being in Sabah, Land Below the Wind. Overwhelmed yes, sheepishly embarrassed yes... Simply because I have never been to Borneo through out my whole life. Yes, I've been to Singapore, the UK, Ireland, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria and even Switzerland. But I have never been to Borneo. I've spent my student's days traveling to Europe and after that, spent years working in a remote area in Johor. After that, I've got married and settled down in Shah Alam, Selangor. Frankly speaking, it's been 10 years since I took the aeroplane. I kept planning for foreign vacations, but never been able to do that. Now, I am going east, so I need to think as a tourist, act as one ;). Those pictures speak for themselves. Kota Kinabalu is definitely a beautiful place, this place reminds me of my hometown back then in the 80's. The scenery is wonderful and the people are very friendly and helpful (never mind that transportation is a tad too expensive- I've spent RM55 on the taxi fare just to go the Philippines Market, Kota Kinabalu from my hotel in One Borneo and from the Philippines Market back to my hotel). Kota Kinabalu, has charmed me in a very simple way- life is slow and serene and there are many friendly people in this east side of Malaysia. Yes, look to the east- we need to learn something. Wealth and materials are not the most possible happiness in life.
oo pi sabah ke? bestnyaa
x p pulau sapi ke kak?
First time pergi Sabah..hhehe setakat Kota Kinabalu aje. Ikut suami outstation...
adik, tak tau kau pegi sabah. akak pegi jugak, cousin's wedding. stayed there from 15/12 -20/12. kalau tau leh jumpa -cikyah75-
Cikyah... tulah tak sempat nak bagitahu you.. teringat tapi semua macam ad hoc... however Sabah is nice...
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