My kid turned 5 recently and I have decided to do a mammoth project. Baking 3 birthday cakes altogether. Cake No. 1 was for his kindy class. Cake no.2 was for day care and Cake No. 3 was for home celebration with lovely aunties, sporting uncles and cute cousins. Since I am catering for kids, I have to resort doing only chocolate cakes with 3 different recipes. The challenging part was decorations and how to attract kids.
Well, Cake No. 1 was simply sold out. The kids loved it very much. Cake No. 2 was a pleasant surprise, as the daycare teacher brought back the remaining cake. Cake No.3 was actually my favourite. Ainsley Harriot's chocolate and mango cake. No, it was not his original recipe. I have lost it since in the year 2001 or 2002, mum threw the magazine cutting that I have painstakingly saved back in West Sussex and brought back to Malaysia. However, I have managed to recreate the recipe, maybe not the exact taste, but who would have complained right.
For those who do not have any idea who Ainsley Harriot is, he is actually another of my favourite celebrated chef from Britain. Ainsley Harriot is a very famous chef in his home country because he has this 'happy' face, warm demeanor and not forgetting good, not- going -to- fail recipes. He may not be as famous as Jamie Oliver or Nigella Lawson in this part of this world-i.e Southeast Asia, but he has this ability to create feel good dessert recipes, cakes that you actually like to eat in your own free time with a cup of hot black coffee.
Well, back to my client, he was indeed a happy kid, who wouldn't right- if you have three birthday parties in a row. Birthday cakes make a happy kid, indeed. Happy 5th birthday, dear son.....
boleh bukak kedai la kak..
nnt klau saya ada anak..please bake a cake for my child ye..hihi
hehhe.... fara, my dream si opening a cake shop cum cafe..but i don't have the guts to do it now. Kalau fara ada anak esok, of course I'll bake for your kid a special cake...hehhe
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