Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Count your blessings

It's one week of Ramadhan today, Ramadhan being the holy month for the muslims all over the world. It's the time for self-reflection and self-purity. As I looked back, for all the things I have been through- I know for sure that God is Great. Life as we see it, has its own fair of judgements. We gain some, we lose some. When we become too selfish and self-contented, we forget the things that matter the most- the feelings of loved ones, the feelings of friends who have stayed with us through thick and thin, the siblings that we loved since we were once babies....We tend to forget that other people have feelings too, we expect people to accomodate our needs, we always assume other people do not have their own share of ups and downs, just because they don't talk about their private lives.

Often that I think, people could be very cruel, they give assumptions on you, they call you names, just because you have different views, just because you were just plain honest and do not have any hidden agendas. Yes, call it wishful thinking, call it cliche, but if you ever wonder why your life turns out to be like that, count your blessings., because when you hear the stories of others who suffer, such as ~ a teenage boy who works in a burger stall every night just to pay his own school bus' fees (due to his parents' divorce), a poverty-strcken 13 year old school girl who brings along her 7 year old little brother with dirty marks all over his school uniform, and buys food for iftar with the little money that she has , a single mother with two primary school children who scrapes through to make ends meet, please count your blessings. For there are people who suffer but prefer to keep their mouths sealed, they don't talk about their sufferings or hard lives, but as I looked at them, I could see the sadness in their eyes. Sometimes, we do not have to say things that could hurt others, and please e do not expect some people are rich and can just treat us with hi-teas in big, posh hotels just because they never complain to you about the balance in their bank accounts.

Yes, please count your blessings and appreciate what you have. You will never know the sufferings of others simply because some people do not really talk about their private lives. Count your blessings and be happy with what life has offered you and do not envy with whatever blessings that God has for the others because you may not know the sufferings and obstacles in life that they have been through. Yes, indeed....


Anonymous said...

Well said, dear, well said.

nizaineese said...

Thank you anonymous... It comes straight from the heart


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