I have this weakness. I go nuts for book stores. To me, books are treasures. That is why when I don't want to buy books, I will stay away from book stores. I couldn't help it- whenever I spot a book store, I would always wanted to go in. Sometimes, it is hard not to buy a single book. There would always an excuse to buy a book- especially the one which contained a rare-different kind of recipe. So, last Saturday- I went to KLCC and guess what, I ended buying a couple books and magazines. Of course, there were definitely some recipe books and not forgetting work-related materials. By then, after spending some amount of money, (which I don't really like to reveal..hehe), I had discovered that Chanel cosmetics was having some kind of promotions on the concourse level. Well oh well, no time to browse around make -up counters that day, since my money had been spent on books. Thus, the reason to try the recipes and get the oven working full scale. Thank God for Kinokuniya, books are abound for bookaholics like me- especially in Malaysia ... ;)
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